Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Inner Emotions...what the fuck?

So basically me and some friends are like really high. My friend just told me that marijuana can make you feel stronger inner emotions. That causes you to go into a deep thought. So deep in thought that you don't know what's going on around you. That's what people call "zoning out." He just said he knows people that get high & become a really bad smart-ass. Like sarcasm. He said it was really bad. I think he is really high just by the way he's talking, not remembering things he said, and him getting words confused. 
He also mentioned that when you're into a really deep high, that if there's music playing around you, your mind can literally get lost in the music to the point to where you've basically left real life and real life does not affect you. I find it crazy that he knows all of this because he is describing all the effects from marijuana that I get. 
Anyways, I'm getting a little bit tired of blogging this. I need something better to do with my phone. 

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