Friday, February 24, 2012

no plans on friday night?

okay so I'm here... on Friday night..  doing nothing .. all I have is my blogger which no one ever reads my stuff :/ boo! I can entertain myself maybe haha someone save me, I'm gonnna die of boredome . if someone actually READS my stuff, comment (: haha this post will have ZEROO comments I'm sure. I'm gonna get people to read this crap one day! I swear it. and when I do, I wont complain about how no one reads my stuff, and I'll post stuff that's worth reading. and I just thought of something! I could like post my deepest, darkest secrets on here and I would still not have any more views forreal. maybe I should just use this as a journal. D; erg .

Monday, February 20, 2012

20 pageviews. cool.

sooo, i see that i have 20 pageviews and i'm just guessing that 10 of them are actually me, so i feel reaaallyyyy popular, and that was total sarcasm. haha. nobody's probably even reading this! D: dang, i need to advertise more.

for all the rap fans, that like lil wayne, and haven't heard the song "Mirror" ft . Bruno Mars, look it up on youtube NOW. well. i'll give ya a link so ya won't have to (: because i'm nice like that ! here's yo link, listen to the song, it's a good song it moves me, it describes everything i'm feeling, maybe it'll do the same for you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ah yeahh

currently i am in my schools library haha i hope i dont get busted for being on the computer !

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tanning bed catastrophe !!!

Sooo , what happened today is I laid in the tanning bed for 30 minutes, and now I'm totally regretting it . The tanning bed, when I'm laying in the tanning bed, I'm so relaaaxed :) and chill . But I find out later, it was a bad idea to stay in that long because I'm burnt as hell ! Take my advice, and go easy on the tanning bed! ... and is it bad if I open my eyes in the tanning bed ? Will it fuck my vision up ?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Legal gambling!

Casinos and lotteries are illegal in some states! Why? I have no clue ! There's NOTHING wrong with some good ol' gambling, I think it would be fun :D and I think people who are 15 years or older should be able to gamble in casinos , because I mean it could be fun ! And the profits made from the casinos should go towards our education like they do in Georgia becuz the schools in Georgia are HUGE and FANCY ! And the kids there are smart . Soooo let's just vote to legalize it everywhere :D
Kk , that is all <3