Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blogger and Backgrounds

So, for the longest time, I've been trying to make "improvements" and make my blog look beautiful. That's kind of hard to do when every background I try to upload, is either "file size too large" or  it doesn't fit the page right. It's really irritating. I don't like it... I guess what I got now is acceptable enough to me. At least I got the look I was aiming for.
Anyways, I am in my math classroom and I'm going to be in here for another hour and a half. This sucks. I want to go home more than anything. I want to just go home. I am also running low on cigarettes again. Fuck my life. I have about 4 left. I don't know what I'm going to do, I really don't. I don't know how to quit smoking. I am so addicted.
Oh, there I go again. I made this post about Blogger Backgrounds and I'm just here ranting about cigarettes. I always do this.
Anyways, I'm getting tired of blogging. I might just try to leave school early since I'm really not doing any school work right now. Nothing was assigned.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Life Revolves Around Pictures

There's Instagram, Photobucket, Flickr, and TONS of other "picture" or "picture sharing" websites that pictures get posted billions of times a day. Everyone with a cell phone uses these Apps and Camera and Photo Editors to share with their friends. I am one of those people. I love taking pictures and editing them then posting them. Pictures are great, and now that there's photoshop and ways to edit them, they're so much more advanced now and I think that's why people like it so much.
Anyways, I'll probably post lots of pictures the blog and everywhere else. I love pictures yeahhh

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

High as fuuuuckkk!

I figured out how to make my blog private, and I've gotten it private to everyone except followers I think. Sooo, that's why I can blog about how hig I am right now! Hahaha. I love blogging.
Anyways, it's so cold outside & in my house! I can barely see straight at all. Everything's extremely blurry. And my eyes are burning. This is crazy, I've never been this high before and weed doesn't usually fuck with my eye sight so I'm trippin.
I wish my boyfriend would text me, but I'm afraid I wont get to talk to him...
Im done. Blogging, this is really hard

Trying to make the blog private

I googled it & basically it said to go to settings & permissions and then you could make the blog private or public. I went to the page on settings but I didn't see what it showed me on Google. I feel like one day, the wrong person is gonna read all through my blog and it will be bad. I don't have time to go through all my blog posts & delete or whatever, nor do I want to do that. I love reading my own things because it sparks more imagination and more ideas for blogs. Maybe Blogger is just too public and too popular. I might just end up creating a new blog on a different website & not telling anyone what my new blog is or just making it private.
I don't want people really seeing these things I've been posting about drugs, getting high, and smoking cigarettes. Because that's a way to get me in trouble and I sure as hell don't want to be in trouble for what I've been posting on my blog. There must be some way I can keep my blog going, but keep it private where no one can read it... if I can't figure out a way, I will probably end up deleting the blog & starting all over again with a new blog on a different site. I've gotten up to 500 something page views. That's a little scary... I don't want 500 people seeing this stuff. I really don't. Because it only takes one person to tell everyone what I've been posting.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Still don't like how it looks .

Blog improvements didn't really work out because I did't even really improve anything on it. I still don't like it. Yesterday, while I was "re-decorating," I was scrolling through many beautiful backgrounds. Apparently, every single background that I liked & saved to the computer, the file size was "too large" and it wouldn't fit. That was SO irritating! I ended up just setteling for this blue one I have now... Even though it's not really the one I like OR want, I guess it's better than nothing. At least it goes well with the blog. But honestly, I'm GOING to keep trying to get a new background no matter what. Even if I have to create it myself.

Okay, anyways, off of that subject,
After being deprived of cigarettes the past few days, I finally got a new pack last night. Very cheap ones, at that. $3.20 for them. Very cheap but actually pretty good.
I guess there's nothing really for me to blog about anymore, so I think I might wrap this up. Unless I can think of something else to add into this.

I'm still at school right now. I'm in my 6th period computer class and it's 2:40 . So close to 3. I'm so glad it's Friday, and I'm going to be sleeping in tomorrow morning since it feels like it's been forever since I've slept in. If only there were more hours in the night.
This daylight savings "extra hour of sleep" doesn't help me that much because I'm still very tired in the mornings. I might just be going to bed too late at night. Who knows?
Here's all the possibilities of why I am tired in the mornings:
  • I don't go to bed early enough
  • I wake up in the middle of the night to pee to much
  • I don't drink any energy drinks/ caffene in the mornings
  • I should take showers in the morning instead of at night, (Maybe a shower would wake me up  in the mornings)
  • Aaaaaand... I just need to chill the fuck out & quit smoking so much!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blog Improvements

Changed the background, changed some fonts, and changed some colors up a little bit on this thing. Honestly, I still don't really like it so I'm going to keep making more improvements. That's what I'm going to be doing with my time for the rest of the day.
I'm just glad I have my computer back though. Writing blog posts on my phone was just plain irritating. I still don't have any internet at my house though. :/ I have to either go to my boyfriend's house or either my grandparents. Sorry, but I do not want to have to go to my grandparents every time I want to get on the internet. Fuck that. I'm fine right here at my boyfriend's house. This is probably what I will be doing when he's at work. It's actually a very good pass time until he gets off everyday. I don't see how I didn't think of this before. Blogging. Ah, so fun, sort of. It's one of the things I enjoy doing on the internet. But anyways, I am going to wrap up this blog post and continue working on improving the appearance of the site.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Inner Emotions...what the fuck?

So basically me and some friends are like really high. My friend just told me that marijuana can make you feel stronger inner emotions. That causes you to go into a deep thought. So deep in thought that you don't know what's going on around you. That's what people call "zoning out." He just said he knows people that get high & become a really bad smart-ass. Like sarcasm. He said it was really bad. I think he is really high just by the way he's talking, not remembering things he said, and him getting words confused. 
He also mentioned that when you're into a really deep high, that if there's music playing around you, your mind can literally get lost in the music to the point to where you've basically left real life and real life does not affect you. I find it crazy that he knows all of this because he is describing all the effects from marijuana that I get. 
Anyways, I'm getting a little bit tired of blogging this. I need something better to do with my phone. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


I wish Photobucket wasn't blocked from this wifi I use at school. I made my Photobucket when I was 13 (back when Instagram wasn't popular yet) so all my pictures went on Photobucket. Old old old pictures. I love looking back on them. 
But what does that have to do with the drawing? I'll tell you. Because I wanted to put the picture of my drawing on my Photobucket but oh wait. It's blocked -.- 
My drawing. My picture. This is officially a copyright. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

I'm a candy crush super star ! Lmao

So, today I just got to level 100 on candy crush. Some people might be impressed but other people have made it to the 200's. haha. I feel so cool about it because I had to play this game sooo much to get to that level. Candy crush pretty much irritates me a lot. I don't even really know why I play it so much. Especially if I'm stuck on one level. I get really pissed off at this game haha. 
Another thing I've noticed is the story line in candy crush is ADORABLE ! Haha. I love just watching the story line more than ever.
But anyways, I'm going to bring this blog post to a conclusion now because I am tired of typing.