Monday, November 26, 2012

Just a Post. Not Sure What To Call It.

I guess the weekend went well ... better than I figured. This Thanksgiving was fine except the not knowing if my boyfriend went to see her or not.. I guess it really doesn't matter too much either way because the less I know, the better. Of course I didn't want him seeing her mainly because of two reasons.
First reason being that I'm his girlfriend. Last time I checked, and I'm sure any other girl with a boyfriend will agree, guys with girlfriends just do not hang out with other girls. It's like... a crime in relationships.
Second reason being that I'm just a jealous person. I always have been. I get jealous entirely too easily. It doesn't even matter, if my boyfriend even looks at a girl I get this feeling in my chest that feels like a fire that's just had gasoline poured on it.
Bottom line is I REALLY didn't want him seeing her. And for personal reasons, I'm really insecure about this.
I need to get my mind off this. Should be pretty easy but I need an idea. Which could take some time to think of something.
I've noticed in the last week that I have a new follower. I'm not complaining, I'm actually shocked. I didn't think people actually got on my blog. Honestly, I don't really think I'm that interesting.
Christmas is coming up really fast. It's really hard to believe last Christmas seems not too long ago. I'm hoping I'll get something like a Toshiba Ultrabook. Those things look awesome. I wonder if they're as awesome as they look though. All I know is if I got that Ultrabook, you couldn't get me off of it !
I'm still thinking badly about, well, everything. There just seems to be added fuel to the fire everyday. God I need something to get my mind off this... but nothing seems to work.
I need to find some sort of game to play. Something that works your brain that takes a lot of memory and a lot of focus. Like Solitaire. Or spider solitaire. Only, I've been playing that game all summer long and for the most part, Solitaire is the only game I play. I play the Sims 3 (when it isn't slow on my computer) and that seems to work really well at keeping my mind pre-occupied but I don't always have access to it. Like now when I'm at school. There's got to be something out there. Suggestions?
I'm taking breaks while I'm writing this, so if there just so happens to be someone reading this, my mind isn't actually going 90 miles per hour. I'm taking breaks. No worries...
Something that always seems to help; Music. Preferably rap. I guess I like how the world has evolved into technology so much. What can I say? it's addicting. But of course I didn't grow up at the time where the most advanced technology was the microwave. Nope. This is 2012. And my generration is so involved with technology that technology IS the world. Not complaining about it, though, I actually like it. Being able to always have a way to entertain yourself, especially with more and more being added onto and evolved. It's fascinating, actually.
I know I didn't grow up at that time, but my mom has told me enough about it that I can pretty much imagine what it was like. It seemed like such a happier, simpler time. If I could time travel, I would definitly be at the 1970's ! America's hayday.
I guess that's all I'm gonna post there's not really much I have to say.

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