Sunday, October 13, 2013


Lets constantly talk about horses. Lets constantly talk about working. Lets constantly talk about vehicles and how much better my car is than yours. No. I can't even stand to be listening to this ALL THE DAMN TIME. Lets not ever change our conversations. Lets talk about the SAME THINGS every single day. Lets wake up and go to bed with the SAME THINGS on our minds every night and day. Lets not be concerned about ANYTHING else but working. This is just the biggest reasons why I don't like coming here. This is why I don't like being around any of these people because they're ALL concerned about nothing but WORK. I can't put myself around a bunch of workaholics like this. It's mentally frustrating and exhausting to have to listen to the same bullshit every day about working and horses and vehicles. Is that really all you can think about? Is it really that important? I guess I would rather sit alone somewhere away from EVERYONE instead of sitting there listening to that crap. It's the only thing I hear about every single day. There's no change. No change in anything. Not even change in conversations. And that's pretty damn bad. I just don't see how people can go living their life focused on work all the time. I don't even wanna think about getting a job anymore because everyone has completely ruined it for me. I am not a lazy girl. I'm not. But I'm not getting a job like everyone else has because I don't want to end up like everyone else I've seen. Too involved in their job. I don't want to live my life like that. You can't lie and say you love what you do when your job is obviously stressing you out big time. 

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