Thursday, August 1, 2019

A visit to my old school & Blog

Wow I haven't been to this blog in a pretty long time. I should start coming back every now and then to write about some stuff that's been going on in life. I'm going to try to change that haha. I'm sure no one really cares, or actually reads this crap, but that's okay because it's like a journal for me. Anyways about the picture... 
A few weeks ago I got the chance to visit my old middle school I went to from 5th-8th grade. It sure did trigger lots of memories. It was a school I felt like I hated when I was attending, but a school I grew to miss like hell after experiencing what a horrible school really was. My dad is a 7th grade math teacher, and he needed to go do something on his computer while we were passing through, so I got to visit for a little while. 😊 And yes he was my 7th grade math teacher too. 
I got to walk the empty halls, take some selfies in the bathroom just like old times, when my dad would be working after school was over & I had to stay too. I'm pretty sure I spent more time in that empty school than I did at home or friends houses haha. That's kind of pathetic but it is what it is. I got to go outside and swing on a new swingset that was added to the school yard after I left. When I went to school at West Blocton Middle, the school yard had nothing except for a caged up baseball area where we would play at PE. I'm kind of jealous that we didn't have swings or a jungle gym while I was attending haha.
It was a good day even though I only stayed for a little while. Visiting that school again really made me realize that time goes by fast as hell and it made me feel old. I know I'm 22 and I'm too young to be feeling old, but I can't help but think that time is speeding up, like all this time is just passing by too fast. It was almost like a slap in the face of you're getting older incredibly fast & before you know it, you will be an old woman unable to do anything about your rotting body and mind. But I know that it's inevitable; it happens to everyone, & there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. We all get to live life as youngsters for a while but that blissful time is short and you better enjoy it before it's too late.
Anyway there wasn't much of a point to this post other than I wanted to write about something new and visit this blog again. I have another post in mind that I need to write about but that one might be a little more negative. I need to find the right words for it before I write about it here though haha. 

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