Sunday, July 9, 2017


So, I decided tonight that I would visit to get my horoscope and pick some Tarot cards and surprisingly, they were all fitting. My horoscope said essentially that beginning late in the evening, I would feel compelled to complete everything that's unfinished in a "most methodical way." Then proceeded to ask the question; Are you up for it, even though you're usually not very fond of rules that encumber your creative side? You bet you are. So I assume that answer would be yes, because here I am, dotting all of the i's and crossing all of the t's. I felt like I left my blog unfinished this morning and honestly felt bored because I don't have anything else to do.
I also read my Horoscope from yesterday, and it told me that if I were to buy myself a gift, to buy a journal because it's something to be productive with my time and creativity. Am I going to buy a new journal? Probably not, because I already have plenty, but still, I am a bit impressed at the accuracy. I have been feeling the need to do more writing lately, and if not writing, just coloring instead of painting. I've been trying to get better at using colored pencils but for now, but that's irrelevant.
Anyways, I proceeded deeper in and picked my random Tarot cards and they seemed to be accurate. First, I picked a Daily Tarot and I got the Sun! After that, I picked a random Yes or No tarot card and this is what it said....
The Sun- Your Answer is Yes!
The Sun represents good thoughts, happiness, and contentment. You find a good place in your life where you experience satisfaction. Your worries fade away for a time and you are able to relax. All of the fears that surrounded you for so long now fade into the background. This is a result more of your own attitude changing rather than a turn of events.

So, as much time as I've been spending on myself and my attitude, and just trying to rid my life of negativity should soon pay off. That much is true, regardless of how you feel about horoscopes or tarot cards or any psychic readings. I'll admit that I used to call it bullshit but these reading are somewhat seeming to fall into place with how my life is going right now.

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