Friday, November 8, 2013

Still don't like how it looks .

Blog improvements didn't really work out because I did't even really improve anything on it. I still don't like it. Yesterday, while I was "re-decorating," I was scrolling through many beautiful backgrounds. Apparently, every single background that I liked & saved to the computer, the file size was "too large" and it wouldn't fit. That was SO irritating! I ended up just setteling for this blue one I have now... Even though it's not really the one I like OR want, I guess it's better than nothing. At least it goes well with the blog. But honestly, I'm GOING to keep trying to get a new background no matter what. Even if I have to create it myself.

Okay, anyways, off of that subject,
After being deprived of cigarettes the past few days, I finally got a new pack last night. Very cheap ones, at that. $3.20 for them. Very cheap but actually pretty good.
I guess there's nothing really for me to blog about anymore, so I think I might wrap this up. Unless I can think of something else to add into this.

I'm still at school right now. I'm in my 6th period computer class and it's 2:40 . So close to 3. I'm so glad it's Friday, and I'm going to be sleeping in tomorrow morning since it feels like it's been forever since I've slept in. If only there were more hours in the night.
This daylight savings "extra hour of sleep" doesn't help me that much because I'm still very tired in the mornings. I might just be going to bed too late at night. Who knows?
Here's all the possibilities of why I am tired in the mornings:
  • I don't go to bed early enough
  • I wake up in the middle of the night to pee to much
  • I don't drink any energy drinks/ caffene in the mornings
  • I should take showers in the morning instead of at night, (Maybe a shower would wake me up  in the mornings)
  • Aaaaaand... I just need to chill the fuck out & quit smoking so much!

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