Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Picture Post #2

Selfie cause I'm cute and I am a goddess in pink lipstick. 

JoJo & I :) where I come from you can be underage and get away with drinking in the bar, they don't give a fuck! ;D

Selfie with my car that I love oh, so much<3

My blue eyes that sparkle and shine brighter than a hundred stars. (: because I just love my eyes

The next time I get my hair done, it will be something like this. So I can be blonde & pink at the same time ;D

Wait... Why am I posting pictures? I don't have to. I use FreePrints. Best decision ever!

Rant !

Okay so I'm on Facebook and I see this girl posting a bunch of statuses about being homeless and sharing an advertisement for a fund raiser for $300 dollars so she can stay in a hotel room. But seriously, this girl obviously has money for whatever smart device it may be, a smartphone, a tablet, iPad, laptop, desktop computer, whatever it may be to be getting on the internet to be posting this stuff. So you know she's not that bad off. If she's using a cell phone then there's gotta be a phone bill..right? Or even if she's some place using free WiFi she's still got some sort of smart device that's able to connect to the internet! And this bitch has piercings all over her mouth and eye brows & just 2 days ago she's posting about how she got a hair cut. You know I can't even remember the last time I had my hair done. So she can't be struggling that bad. Um, maybe you could get a fucking job? Instead of asking your Facebook friends for money. I mean I have never been so repulsed in my life. I cannot stand when people ask for money!
One year my family and I took a trip to San Antonio, Texas and on every corner you would see someone asking for money. My mom has such a sense of humor. This Mexican man was standing outside of a bar and he asked my mom for a quarter for a beer. She didn't mind giving him a quarter for a beer just because he was honest! And I wouldn't honestly mind giving the man a quarter either because it's better than some of the low life's you see faking being broke, like the woman that stood outside the same Walmart for weeks asking customers for money, and a local man recognized her at a gas station in a 2014 Fiat 500. The man was furious, of course, so he got out his phone and started to take a video. "You are driving a nicer car than I am and you are standing outside Walmart everyday asking me for money! You drive a newer car than I do!" In this situation, I would have reacted the same way. Because the woman was a liar and it was pathetic. If you have the money to be investing in a car like a Fiat then you certainly don't need to be panhandling. 

But you know what is common in all of these situations? None of them were asking for money on Facebook. Reguardless, it costs money to get on Facebook in the first place. Weather you pay for your Wifi at home, or you paid for your laptop or smart phone, or you pay a bill every month to have wireless internet on your phone, you are still paying money to be able to use social networks. And this girl is posting these things at midnight, and I honestly don't know of any public libraries that stay open until midnight. Do you? Exactly. 
Maybe you could've saved the money from all those piercings on your face. People work hard to make a living these days, especially at the businesses that do wrong to good people for no reason. I have seen it too many times, from my mom, my boyfriend, and even my dad, a math teacher that got fired because the principals son that was in his class didn't get an A or B. So much wrong doing, and I could go on and on with more examples, but that's a whole different blog post. 

I guess I just wanted to rant about something that was bothering me. 
Until next time, goodbye :)